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Feeding Senior and Mature Dogs
Feeding Senior and Mature Dogs

Feeding Senior and Mature Dogs

As your pet becomes a senior, their nutritional requirements will change. Senior dogs become more vulnerable to health conditions, find out more.

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Special Considerations for Senior Dogs
Special Considerations for Senior Dogs

Special Considerations for Senior Dogs

Dogs are considered seniors at the age of seven. At this time the ageing process begins to affect multiple body organs and systems, and they require special care.

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Preventative Health Care in Cats
Preventative Health Care in Cats

Preventative Health Care in Cats

It is a common myth that indoor cats “do not get sick.” Cats age at a faster rate than humans and generally should see their doctors more frequently.

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Cat Deworming/Parasite Prevention
Deworming/Parasite Prevention in Your Cat

Cat Deworming/Parasite Prevention

Several types of internal and external parasites can cause problems in cats. Intestinal worms are quite common and can be a very serious issue, especially in kittens.

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How to Increase Water Intake in Your Cat
How to Increase Water Intake in Your Cat

How to Increase Water Intake in Your Cat

Unlike dogs, it may be rare that your cat is regularly seen drinking from its water bowl. This can be quite common with cats for different reason.

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Dental Disease in Cats
Dental Disease in Cats

Dental Disease in Cats

Cats can suffer from a dental disease, as well which may present as gingivitis, periodontal disease, or tooth resorption.

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Stress-Free Feline Veterinary Visit
Stress-Free Feline Veterinary Visit

Stress-Free Feline Veterinary Visit

Both the trip and visit to the veterinary clinic can be very stressful and overwhelming for our feline companions. We are taking them out of their routine and out of their home.

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Environmental Enrichment for Indoor Cats
Environmental Enrichment for Indoor Cats

Environmental Enrichment for Indoor Cats

Deciding to keep your cat indoors has its pros and cons. It allows your cat to be protected from outside threats such as injuries from other animals, cars.

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Before bringing your Dog to the Dog Park
What to Know Before Bringing My Dog to the Dog Park

Before bringing your Dog to the Dog Park

Dog parks are a popular spot in the nice weather. A great place to get outdoors with your pets and can provide both physical and mental stimulation.

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How to Tell If Your Pet Is Overheated
How to Tell If Your Pet Is Overheated: What to Do About It

How to Tell If Your Pet Is Overheated

Heat stroke or hyperthermia is common in the summer months, especially with the kind of temperatures we’ve had so far this season!

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Can I Give My Pet Vegetables?
Can I Give My Pet Vegetables?

Can I Give My Pet Vegetables?

Absolutely! There are many vegetables that you can feed your pet as a treat. They are great because they are low calorie and a good source of fibre.

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Can I Get Lyme Disease from My Dog?
Can I Get Lyme Disease from My Dog?

Can I Get Lyme Disease from My Dog?

The short answer is no. Luckily, if your pet has contracted Lyme disease it is not contagious.

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